In order to overcome the problems of adaptation of first-graders to school, to increase the level of pedagogical and psychological culture of parents, the school psychologist Smagulova N.T. conducted a training "Positive parenting". To get to know the participants, they were offered to work with MAC, using positive pictures, parents talked about the characteristics of their children, called them affectionate names. In the practical part of the training, parents remembered the games they played in childhood and which can be taught to children: "Edible is not edible", "Fishermen and fish", "Rubber band". Since the family has a huge influence on the child, the parents were asked to evaluate the results of the "My Family" projective test. At the end of the training, a "Pride Relay Race" was held, where the parents continued the proposal started by the psychologist: "I'm proud of my child because..."
As a result of the training, the psychologist noted that adaptation is the adaptation of a child to a new system of social conditions, new relationships, requirements, activities, and daily routine. During the adaptation period, children react differently to a change of environment: they can be very noisy, distracted, clamped, timid, cry more than usual; there may be sleep disorders, appetite, suddenly interest in toys and games increases. All these violations are caused by the stress that the child's psyche and his body are experiencing. Of course, the best thing for a child at this time will be the support of parents and, together with the school, assistance to the child.
As a result of the training, the psychologist noted that adaptation is the adaptation of a child to a new system of social conditions, new relationships, requirements, activities, and daily routine. During the adaptation period, children react differently to a change of environment: they can be very noisy, distracted, clamped, timid, cry more than usual; there may be sleep disorders, appetite, suddenly interest in toys and games increases. All these violations are caused by the stress that the child's psyche and his body are experiencing. Of course, the best thing for a child at this time will be the support of parents and, together with the school, assistance to the child.