Which sources do reliably inform about the cancellation of classes at school (college)?
in the form of a ticker on television
through broadcasting on the radio
by phone 109 (from mobile for free)
on the official Internet resource and on the Facebook page of the Education Department of Astana (bilim.astana.kz.)
through the Smart Astana application.
Every day from 6.00 am to 7.00 am for the first shift (for the second, third shift from10.30 am to 12.00 pm ) the responsible officer contacts the officer on duty of the RSE on REM "Kazgidromet" to get the data on the actual temperature (forecast) in the city of Astana for the next three hours. The data obtained is coordinated with the senior staff, who makes a decision on announcing the cancellation of the classes or the organization of the educational process without changes.
If a decision is made to cancel the classes, the responsible officer passes this information to the operational duty officer of the Single Dispatcher Service of the Emergency Department of Astana city, the operator of the Urban Monitoring and Operational Response Center (service 109), the reception of the Akim of Astana.
Further, the notice of cancellation is made from 6.45 am to 8.00 am - for the first shift, from 11.15 am to 13.00 pm - for the second and third shifts.
The population is informed only in case of cancellation of classes
State educational authorities on a daily basis monitor the cancellation of classes in subordinate organizations of education in adverse weather conditions.
In what weather the classes are cancelled?
The cancellation of classes in educational organizations is carried out on the basis of approved recommended indicators of adverse weather conditions for announcing the cancellation of classes and is issued by the order of the head of the education organization or by the person who replaces him/her.
For your convenience, below is a table with temperature indicators for canceling classes in certain classes.
Air temperature
Wind speed
Cancellation of classes for
-25-29 С and below
2-4 m/s
0-4 grades
-25-29 С and below
5 m/s and more
0-9 grades
-30-34 С and below
2-4 m/s
0-9 grades
-30-34 С and below
5 m/s and more
0-11 (12) grades
In colleges for 1,2 grades
-35 C and lower
2 m/s and more
0-11 (12) grades
In colleges for 1,2 grades
In boarding organizations of education, the cancellation of classes in adverse weather conditions is carried out taking into account the conditions for residence of students.
Parents are advised NOT TO USE weather data, as well as other information obtained through Internet applications and other unverified sources
How to make up for educational material lost during the days of cancellation
It often happens that frosts last a long time and, accordingly, the plan for the necessary teaching material is disturbed. What is undertaken by educational organizations in such cases?
In the event that classes are canceled for more than 5 days in a row, then it is necessary to make adjustments to the annual calendar-thematic plan of the organization of education in coordination with the founder, taking into account the integration of the contents of school subjects, reserve hours and hours allocated for repetition.
It is inadmissible to compensate for missed school hours at the expense of vacations or to increase the maximum allowable training load
With the purpose of passing educational programs in full by students, teachers use a variety of forms of independent work, including distance learning. Information on the forms of work used, types of independent work are brought to the attention of students and their parents (legal representatives) by teachers, class teachers.
In addition, on the days of cancellation, students must independently perform tasks in a remote mode in accordance with the requirements of teachers and provide completed tasks for verification.
Parents (legal representatives) of students in turn should monitor their child's homework on the days of cancellation.
If the child came to school (college) on the day of cancellation?
For students who came to the classes on the days of cancellation, all types of classes (training, supplementary, group, day-long groups), except for carrying out tests and passing new topics on subjects, and providing hot meals are carried out in full in accordance with the schedule of classes approved by the first head and agreed with the founder.
According to the schedule of classes, in all types of journals a date is put, and in the "Subject of the lesson" entry is made as "draw up day". The mark of the student for the work performed on the days of cancellation of classes is displayed in the column of the journal on the next days of the training sessions in accordance with the adjusted calendar-thematic plan.
Parents (legal representatives) in case of making a decision on their child's visit to the organization of education on the days of the cancellation of the classes, ensure his/her safety on the way to the education organization and back.