In order to form a responsible attitude to choosing a professional path through expanding the boundaries of self-knowledge, developing psychological readiness for professional and personal self-determination of students, the psychologist of the Smagulova N.T. school conducted a career guidance training "I choose a profession". The training was attended by students of the 9th grade. In the practical part of the lesson, students identified their cherished dream, favorite subject, profession, and character traits necessary to develop in order to achieve the goal. During the training, students independently analyzed and listed the qualities that a representative of their chosen profession should possess. Summing up, the psychologist stressed that professional activity occupies about a third of every person's life. This is quite a lot, especially when you consider that another third of a person's life is spent in a dream. Doing what you love for so long is happiness, which is quite achievable, you only need to choose the right profession.